Report an earthing issue
Customers often reach out to us following a visit from an electrician, where they've found a High Earth Loop Impedance (HELI, also known as a high earth or high Ze reading). We're here to help guide you through the process of reporting the issue to our team.
An electrician has advised that you have a High Earth Loop Impedance (HELI)
Installing or upgrading to a PME (Protective Multiple Earthing) at a property
If there is an issue with your external earth or you have no earthing we can visit to check if there is PME earthing available in your area. Visit our Installing PME earthing page for more information.
Report a HELI
If your electrician has found HELI (also known as a high earth or high Ze reading), find out the steps involved and the information we need when reporting an issue.
If you've been advised that you have no earthing, please do not complete this form. For information on installing or upgrading your earthing please visit our dedicated Installing PME guide page.