Safety animations and videos
Access our library of animations and videos which give important information about staying safe around electricity
Animation and video links
Excavation Safety Animation
If you need to excavate or dig underground this animation contains important safety information before you start. It's useful for anyone carrying out this type of work.
Trade Safety Animation
Low voltage electricity service cables are not always visible. They can enter properties from underground or at roof level. Watch this animation before you start work and to help keep you safe.
Overhead Power Line Safety Animation
Need to carry out work near overhead lines? Follow the important safety advice in our animation to avoid any danger to yourself and others.
Overhead Power Lines Safety "Look Out, Look Up!" - Construction and Haulage
View the safety video by the Energy Networks Association (ENA) aimed at construction and haulage industries who work around overhead lines.
Construction and Scaffolding around Overhead Power Lines
Be aware of the potential dangers of coming into contact with our electricity network - ‘Work Safe - Think Electricity’. Take a few minutes to watch our safety film and share it with colleagues before starting work - it could save a life.
Haulage Safety Animation
Aimed at haulage drivers, this animation gives safety advice about staying safe when working close to overhead power lines and what to do in an emergency.
Farm Safety Animation
If you work in agriculture and operate farm machinery watch our farm safety animation to help keep you safe when working around overhead electricity lines.
Overhead Power Lines Safety "Look Out, Look Up!" - Agriculture
View the safety video by the Energy Networks Association (ENA), aimed at the agricultural industry who work around overhead lines.
Recreational Activities Safety Animation
Recreational activities around overhead lines such as fishing, camping, flying kites, caravanning and more, are dangerous. This animation contains practical tips for staying safe while having fun.
Keeping Safe During Bad Weather and Storms Safety Animation
During a storm or if there are strong winds, fallen trees and broken branches can damage overhead power lines. Watch our safety animation to help keep you safe and important advice about what to do if there's a dangerous situation.