Your rights if you have electricity equipment on your land
Do you have electricity equipment on your land? Do you want to know more about this, whether you are entitled to a payment, wayleaves or lease payments?
Why is electrical equipment sometimes on peoples land?
To enable us to supply electricity to all homes and businesses within our area, it is sometimes necessary to place our equipment (both overhead and underground) on private land.
How do we get permission to put electrical equipment on peoples land?
Rights for electrical equipment is often granted through either a:
- Wayleave Agreement, which is a personal agreement between us and the landowner.
- Deed of Easement, which is a permanent right registered against the title deeds of your property.
These agreements set out the various rights and obligations between us and the landowner (Grantor). It also sets out our commitments to maintain and operate our equipment on your property in a reliable and safe way.
Where an electricity substation is located on your property or within your building, we will generally hold a Lease or Freehold interest in the land with associated access and cable rights. To ensure power supplies are restored quickly if a fault occurs, access to a substation must be maintained and kept unrestricted at all times.
Can I ask a power lines claim company or agent to act on my behalf?
Yes, we are aware of a number of 'Power line Claim’ companies who act on behalf of private landowners. They will contact us on your behalf. Some offering no fee, a one-off fee or a percentage of a settlement figure.