1 of 7 lessons
What is electricity
Hello. We all use electricity - but what exactly is it?
What you’ll learn about
Electric charge
You may be able to see the effects of an electric charge if you rub a balloon on your hair and move it away slightly. You may find your hair stands on end as it is attracted to the balloon.
This is caused by electric charges building up on the balloon. These electric charges came from your hair so your hair now has less of them. The balloon has an overall negative charge while your hair has an overall positive charge. Opposite charges attract one another and so, your hair is attracted to the balloon. It stands on end!
These electrical charges do not move anywhere because neither your hair or the balloon conduct electricity very well. When electric charge builds up in one place like this and doesn't move, it's called static electricity.
Electric current
When electric charge moves from one place to another, it is called electric current. We often just call this 'electricity'. Electric currents are a way in which energy can move from one place to another. A bolt of lightning is an example of a really big electric current. Much smaller electric currents flow through the wires in circuits powered by batteries.
Build your own electrical circuits!
How much do you know about electrical circuits? Test your knowledge by trying out our circuit builder game.
More lessons in this series
Quick tips about electrical safety
Dangerous situations
To stay safe, make sure you switch off the electricity before you plug in or unplug anything.
Never plug too many electrical appliances into one socket. The wires may overheat and catch fire.
Never poke things into electric sockets - you could easily be electrocuted.
Cables buried under road or footpaths could be carrying electricity and could kill you.
Never go fishing near overhead lines. Electricity might be carried down the fishing line back to you. You could be electrocuted.
Never poke things into electric toasters. The wires inside are uninsulated - you could easily be electrocuted.
Electric cables are often hidden behind walls. Make sure you know what is behind it using a cable detector from a DIY shop.
Never fly a kite near an overhead line. Electricity might be carried down the string back to you.
Building sites often have a live electricity supply. Do not go near them or you could get hurt or be killed.
Do not climb pylons or wooden poles, electricity can jump gaps if you get too close. Also, graffiti can cover warning signs and put others at risk.
Always keep electrical appliances away from water. Water conducts electricity - you could easily be electrocuted
Never climb into electricity substations or poke sticks through the fence. The high voltage electricity could kill you.
Before you climb any trees, always check there are no overhead lines nearby. If you get too close to an overhead line, you could be electrocuted.
Take extra care when mowing the grass with an electric lawn mower. If you damage the wire, you could be electrocuted.
Never play in derelict buildings - the electricity supply may not have been disconnected. You could be electrocuted.
Never touch exposed wires inside streetlights. You could be electrocuted.
Never play on or around railway lines, they carry high voltage electricity and you could be seriously hurt or killed.
Untidy wires might be tripped over or get damaged. Always make sure they are kept tidied away.
Never take electric appliances into the bathroom. Water conducts electricity - you could easily be electrocuted.
Did you know?
In 15 minutes, the sun radiates as much energy onto Earth as all the people on the planet during an entire year. Just imagine if we could channel the sun's energy effectively!
In August 1887 the London Electric Supply Corporation commissioned Ferranti to build the first power station. Today our electricity supply is still based on the system that Ferranti designed.
What is a volt? And why is it called a volt? The volt measures electromotive force. It was named after the Italian inventor Alessandro Volta (1745-1827)
In the 1780s, Alessandro Volta invented the first battery - all because of Luigi Galvani's experiments with dead frogs.
Thomas Alva Edison 1847-1931 is one of the most successful inventors ever, applying for over 1,300 patents by 1910, mainly to do with electrical or mechanical development.
High voltage electricity is carried across the country by pylons and 'stepped down' for domestic use at substations. The National Grid supplies electricity all over the country.