Cost and time
Wind & solar farms / Large scale storage
The cost and timing of each project can vary depending on several factors. Since each project is unique, we're unable to provide an exact price or time frames online. The cost and time is determined on the specific work required. Therefore, the price will be provided once we receive and review your application. We have provided examples of things which could impact the time and cost of you project. To give you an idea, here are some example of what can impact the cost and time of your project.
Working with National Grid
We have now committed to submitting modification applications (project progression) on a regular three monthly cycle for grid supply point which may be affected. This allows our team to keep the process moving smoothly while ensuring timely updates for your convenience.
Optimising the Network
We often receive request for new connections to our networks where customers require the full capacity of power. Rest assured our electricity network is designed to accommodate most of your power needs. However, there are occasions where we're required to reinforce our network or offer a constrained option.
In today's changing environment, customers are frequently asked to consider alternatives for connections where capacity may not be required in full on the connection date, or where capacity is only required at certain times of the day or week. For example a sports ground or an Electric Vehicle fleet charging station. We offer several products that may be suitable to meet these developing customer requirements.
Curtailed connections (DERMS)
Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) is an autonomous, software-based control system that monitors grid conditions and issues instructions to flexible connection or other field devices in order to maintain the distribution network within its limits. The term DERMS replaces the term ANM (Active Network Management).
Queue Optimisation
Queue Optimisation is a process which efficiently manages Connection Queues to maximise and make the best use our network in the short and medium term. Our aim is to support ‘ready to connect’ projects in advance of those with earlier application, or later planned connection dates.
To achieve this, we are collaborating with industry colleagues to streamline our processes across our distribution networks and distribution and transmission boundary. We are also working with National Grid on several Regional Development Plans (RDPs) in our operating area.
Queue Management
We understand the importance of securing an early connection offer and a position in the grid connection queue. That's why, starting from 2017 our connection offers now have milestones which help us track the progress of projects. We closely monitor projects to ensure milestone are met and if projects are not progressing as expected, we will undertake a review. If necessary we may need to withdraw offers and projects from the queue. This is to help us make sure our queue consists of active and progressing projects to make it fair and efficient for all of our customers.
Queue milestones
Queue milestones are important check points which are set before construction begins and ensure your connection is built within the time scales you applied for.
To ensure fairness and consistency, we have collaborated closely with industry colleagues from both transmissions and distribution networks to develop a set of standardised project milestones.
Ready to Apply?
If you're all set, you will need to complete two forms, the G99 Generator Standard Application Form (GSAF) and the relevant supplementary form. You can find them both on the ENA website by searching for "G99" in their search bar. Simply send your completed form back to us using the email below. Need help determining the right supplementary form? You'll also find the Engineering recommendation (EREC) G99 guide on the ENA website to help you.
All forms need to be sent back to