Got a question about G98 or G99? Here are some FAQs that may help.

Helpful resources, quick links and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Distributed Energy Resources / Generation (DER)

Flexible connections

Customers can apply for a flexible connection to lower costs by agreeing to export less energy when there is limited network capacity.

Timed or profiled connections

A cost effective option for distributed generation connections over 1MW.

DER Owners and Operators

Register for access to our outage planning application Network Vision to view Extra High Voltage (EHV) outages affecting your site. It’s vital, for all voltage levels, that we have the correct operational contact information for your site. You can view and amend your Site Responsibility Schedule (SRS) so we can inform you of planned works that could impact your site's operation.

The Embedded Capacity Register

The Embedded Capacity Register (ECR) has replaced the System-Wide Resource Register (SWRR). The Register provides information on Distributed Energy Resources and network requirements. Visit the Embedded Capacity Register page on our Open Data Portal website for more information.

ENA 2024 Distributed Generation (DG) Guides Combined

This guide from the ENA is intended to help developers or prospective owners of Distributed Generation, to connect their generation to a distribution system. It may also be useful for installers or manufacturers of Distributed Generation equipment.

Network Infrastructure and Usage (NIU) Map

Use our Network Infrastructure and Usage (NIU) Map to check the approximate locations of our electricity network equipment and where existing demand or generation connections are in place.

Want to discuss your project?

Discuss your project with us at one of our DER surgeries before completing an application.

Optimising the Network

Find out about different connection types including Ramped, DERMS / Constrained, Timed / Profile Connections and more.

Revised network access rights for new electricity storage customers

Important changes are being made from 30th September 2023 regarding network access rights for new Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) customers.

Apply to connect an energy storage system

Electricity storage allows you to store electricity and use it at another time.

Changes to our budget estimation process

We have made changes to our budget estimate process, read our guide for more information.

Facilitating Renewable Energy

We’re connecting large scale volumes of renewable energy, enough to power 3.5 million homes – helping to make major headway in achieving Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Loss of Mains protection requirements

These requirements are details in EREC G59/3-7 and came into effect on 1 September 2022.

G88 and G99 FAQs

Got a question about G88 or G99? Here are some FAQs that may help.