Flexible connection
Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and generation
We’ve connected more than 170,000 generators across our network, including enough renewable energy to power 3.5 million homes. However, in some areas, the high volume of distributed generation creates constraints on capacity, voltage or reverse power flows. Traditionally, this meant that new generators looking to connect would need to spend time and money on physical network upgrades to remove those constraints before they could connect.
Flexible connections offer customers a cost effective and quicker way of connecting distributed generation equipment to our network. By going with this option, generator owners can avoid upfront expenses and time involved in reinforcing our network. All customers need to do is agree to reduce their export energy during particular times to help ensure our network runs smoothly and within its limits.
Flexible connections are part of our world-leading approach to using a Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS). Find out more about how we’re building a smart grid for a Net Zero world.
Network Infrastructure and Usage (NIU) Map
Our Network Infrastructure and Usage (NIU) Map shows the approximate locations and key details of our overhead network (power lines, poles and towers), substations (grid, primary and secondary) and where existing demand or generation connections are in place.
Chat to our expert
You can join one of our digital DER surgeries, which provide an opportunity for customers to discuss their project with us before submitting an application.
Get a budget estimate
We can send you an estimated cost for a flexible connection. This is a guide only to help our customers through the decision making process.
To request a budget estimate, simply email us at connections.gateway@ukpowernetworks.co.uk. Please make sure to include all of the information requested in the template. Please note, a budget estimate is a desktop assessment based on a preliminary assessment, it is not a formal flexible connection offer that you can accept. Final formal connections costs may vary considerably from budget estimate.
How to apply for a flexible connection
Complete our application form
If you have a clear idea of what you need, the next step is to complete each of the applications and letter of authority found further down. Once completed, simply email them back to us at connections.gateway@ukpowernetworks.co.uk.
We will send you a price
Our team will review your requirements and send you a detailed price to connect to our network.
We'll provide a curtailment report
We'll also share a curtailment report with you. This report uses network analysis to estimate the amount of time your site may experience curtailment with a flexible connection throughout the year. For more information please see the technical standards and useful guides section below.
For an understanding of the whole flexible connection journey, download our journey guide.
Payment and booking in the work
If you're happy to go ahead, we would need full payment to proceed with connecting your site to our network.
Connect your generation equipment
If there are no changes required to the electricity network then your installer can go ahead and connect your generation equipment. We may need to be there on the day to complete some tests and witness the work.
Did you know?
From 1st April 2023, a Curtailable Connection access arrangement is available to non-firm connections customers (demand or generation) triggering distribution-only constraints. This supersedes the ‘Flexible Connection’ product, however, Flexible Connections are still being offered to customers triggering transmission-only constraints. Both of these products will use our Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS).
Ready to Apply?
If you're all set, you will need to download complete the relevant forms and letter of authority found below.