Distributed Energy Resources (DER) & Generation

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) & Generation

Producing electricity has traditionally been a major source of emissions, but in the last ten years we’ve been on an incredible journey to connect renewable energy like solar and wind.

If you are considering installing large scale equipment to generate or store electricity, we’re here to help. This can include projects such as wind turbines, solar panels, hydrogen, batteries or combined heat and power units.

We understand planning projects of this nature takes considerable time and effort including securing land rights, gaining planning permission and ultimately securing a grid connection. Our highly regarded engineers are on hand to work with you to help your project come to fruition. We’ve also created a set of useful guides to help you with your planning. 

Network Infrastructure and Usage (NIU) map

Did you know you can use our Network Infrastructure and Usage (NIU) map to help you with your project? 

It shows the approximate locations and key details of our overhead network (power lines, poles and towers), substations (grid, primary and secondary) and where existing demand or generation connections are in place.

Having transparent access to this information about our electricity network can be useful in the initial stages of your project and help you to self-serve online.


Find out about our innovative projects and how they are benefiting our customers.

Optimising the Network

Find out about different connection types including Ramped, DERMS / Constrained, Timed / Profile Connections and more.

Ready to Apply?

If you're all set, you will need to complete two forms, the G99 Generator Standard Application Form (GSAF) and the relevant supplementary form. You can find them both on the ENA website by searching for "G99" in their search bar. Simply send your completed form back to us using the email below. Need help determining the right supplementary form? You'll also find the Engineering recommendation (EREC) G99 guide on the ENA website to help you.

All forms need to be sent back to connections.gateway@ukpowernetworks.co.uk.

Call us

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm