Connections products

Many requests for new connections that we receive are for ‘full capacity on Power on Date’ and this is appropriate for most customer needs. However, there are occasions where, to provide the full capacity requested on the Power on Date, we need to reinforce the network or offer a constrained option.

In today's changing environment we are increasingly being asked to consider alternatives for connections where capacity may not be required in full from the Power on Date, or where capacity is only required at certain times of the day or week (for example a sports ground, or to charge an Electric Vehicle fleet). We offer several products that may be suitable to meet these developing customer requirements.

Standard connection

A standard connection offer is our default position. If you have not discussed a different type of connection offer with us, a standard agreement will be reflected in your quotation. When making an application the capacity you apply for will determine the work required and the connection charges on the basis that the power will be available 24 hours a day, all year round.

Timed/profiled connections

A full capacity connection for use 24 hours per day is not always necessary. We have two products that may be suitable:

Timed connections are available for capacities greater than 1MVa and provide higher available capacity, typically in 2 or 3 agreed periods of the day.

Profiled connections use remote management of sites and can provide a maximum demand against a half hourly profile (up to 48 different periods) and support efficient utilisation of sites transitioning to electric vehicle fleet (for example).

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Curtailed connections (DERMS)

A Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) is an autonomous, software-based control system that monitors grid conditions and issues instructions to flexible connection or other field devices to keep the distribution network within operating limits. The term DERMS replaces the term ANM (Active Network Management).

Ramped Connection

We have developed the ramped connection for instances where connection use is expected to increase over several years.

A ramped connection will supply a metered exit point at the requested Power on Date with an initial capacity, with a commitment to increase the available capacity in line with an agreed schedule, up to the maximum capacity applied for.

This provides customers with assurance that their capacity requirements can be met for future expansions, with the added benefit of reduced charges in the early years.

Find out more [PDF]