Reduce my power
I already have electricity
We understand that some customers may want to reduce their power consumption. This is typically done by adjusting your Maximum Import Capacity (MIC), which is the maximum amount of power a property can draw from our network at any given time. MIC is measured in kiloVolt-Amps (kVA). Typically customers request this when they are using less electricity than the maximum allowed. In some instances it can save customers money on their electricity bills.
To learn more, please read our frequently asked questions below. For background, please also view the National Terms of Connection.
What's involved?
Email us
If you would like to decrease your MIC, please email In your email, please include your MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number), your site address and your name.
If you are not the bill payer, your email should also include a letter of authority signed and dated by our customer within the last 12 months.
We'll contact you
Once we've received your email, our team will get in touch with you to discuss your circumstances.
We'll issue a new connection agreement
Once we've agreed a new MIC with you, we'll issue a new connection agreement. This needs to be signed by the customer, or an authorised person, giving evidence of the customer's authority.
This then needs to be returned to us to be countersigned. Once countersigned, we'll update our records and return a completed copy to you.
Important information
- There may be some lead time before you are able to see any changes in MIC shown in your electricity bills. This process is the responsibility of your electricity supplier (the company you pay your bills to).
- Your capacity level can be only be changed once within a 12 month period. Capacity reductions are effective from the first of the following month once a request specifying an acceptable value has been made.
- We are unable to backdate any capacity reductions.