If you're working on a project and you need to move or divert an electricity substation, power cables, or other electrical equipment on your land which is owned by us, we're here to help. We've created useful guides to aid you with your planning and understanding of the steps involved.
It's important that you identify the equipment which you need us to move or divert as early as possible. In our experience, due to the scale of the project which includes planning, booking and completing the work, it can take a significant amount of time to complete. We encourage anyone carrying out work that involves digging to request electricity cable plans showing you where underground electricity cables are. This is vital for your safety so you can avoid hitting electricity cables. This is in line with the guidance outlined in HS(G)47 ‘Avoiding danger from underground services’.
If you need further information on how your project might affect our equipment, please refer to the EOS - 07-2000 'Protection of assets from third-party works' in our G81 document library.
Based on our experience, customers typically need to move our equipment when:
- It's located on private land and the landowner requires space for a new development
- Improvements are being carried out on public highways, which requires the relocation of our equipment
Request cable plans
If you're carrying out digging work, we strongly recommend that you request electricity cable plans. This will provide you with the locations of underground electricity cables, helping you avoid damage and ensuring everyone's safety. This guidance is outlined in HS(G)47, which focuses on avoiding risks associated with underground services.
If you're not sure where to begin or if you'd like to explore your options, we offer pre-application support tools. These include our Open Data Portal, Technical Design Specifications library (G81), and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).