What is an electrical substation?

A substation reduces electricity voltage so that it is easier and safer to deliver electricity to homes and businesses. We have thousands of electricity substations around London, the South East and East of England, some of which are on customers' land. 

A substation will usually be protected by fences or are located within a building and should only be entered by trained staff. You will see yellow and black ‘danger of death’ signs on the entrances and each substation also has a unique number which helps us to locate it.  The size of a substation can vary depending on whether they serve residential houses or commercial and industrial units. Schools and institutions such as hospitals often have their own substation. 

Do not enter a substation for any reason because you could be electrocuted and it’s against the law. If you think your situation is dangerous, please stay away from the equipment and call us 24 hours a day on 0800 31 63 105 or 105 (free to call from a landline or mobile).

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Free to call from a mobile or landline phone. Lines are open 24 hours.