Are you an ICP or IDNO?
If you're an Independent Connection Provider (ICP) or Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) connecting or making changes to electricity connections, we have created helpful resources and tools to assist you in planning your project.
The services we offer
G81 design specification library
Our design specification library contains technical information and operational procedures to help you with your works.
Apply for a point of connection
Are you ready to make an application for a point of connection? Complete our short application form.
Are you a new ICP or IDNO?
Read the information on this page and let us know if you'd like to arrange a meeting to introduce you to our processes.
Request electricity plans
Registered ICPs and IDNOs can get plans by emailing us to request Netmap Webview access or request plans directly.
Questions about your project?
Contact the Project Design or Delivery Project Manager assigned to your work. If you have questions about the process, please email us.
Management Team
If you would like to speak to the Competition in Connections Management Team about your work then please get in touch.